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Home>Database>Steel>Downstream>Indicators for manufacturing sector>
AllPriceSupply-Demand BalanceCapacityProductionOperating RatesCosts and Profit MarginsImport & ExportInventoryDownstreamFutures data
AllPMIIndicators for manufacturing sectorIndicators for infrastructure sectorIndicators for property sectorCement
Excavator OutputMonthlyJan 01, 1990
Automobile OutputMonthlyJan 01, 1990
Washing Machine OutputMonthlyJan 01, 1990
Air-conditioner OutputMonthlyJan 01, 1990
Completed Construction of VesselsMonthlyJan 01, 1990
Order Backlog Held by ShipbuildersMonthlyJan 01, 1990
New Orders Received by ShipbuildersMonthlyJan 01, 1990
China ship trading price indexTen-daysJan 14, 2006
Yongkang Hardware indexWeeklyJul 21, 2013